Pharm D

Course Outcome Statement
Course Code : 1.1T Human Anatomy and Physiology I- Theory
CO1 Describe the structure (gross and histology) and functions of various organs of the human body.
CO2 Describe the various homeostatic mechanisms and their imbalances of various systems.
CO3 Identify the various tissues and organs of the different systems of the body .
CO4 Perform the hematological tests and also record BP, heart rate, pulse & respiratory volumes .
CO5 Appreciate coordinated working patterns of different organs of each system & interlinked mechanisms in the maintenance of normal functioning of the human body.
Course Code : 1.2T Pharmaceutics -Theory
CO1 Know the formulation aspects of different dosage forms and preparations of Galenicals
CO2 Understand the professional way of Handling the Prescription, development of pharmacy profession and its history
CO3 Do different pharmaceutical calculation involved in formulation
CO4 Formulate different types of dosage forms such as solid, liquid and semisolid dosage forms
CO5 Appreciate the importance of good formulation for effectiveness, use of surgical aids in pharmaceuticals and pharmaceutical incompatibilities.
Course Code : 1.3T Medicinal Biochemistry-Theory
CO1 Describe the function of cell, Electrolytes, Concepts of biological oxidation & Bioenergetics
CO2 To understand the catalytic activity of enzymes and importance of Isoenzymes and its diagnostic applications
CO3 To know the metabolic process of biomolecules in health and illness
CO4 To understand the genetic organization of mammalian genome, protein synthesis, replication, mutation and repair mechanism.
CO5 To know the biochemical principles of organ function test of kidney, Liver & Endocrine gland
Course Code : 1.4T Pharmaceutical Organic chemistry Theory
CO1 Know the types of Isomerism of the organic compound, basic definition of some terms and can able to give IUPAC names to simple organic compounds and poly functional groups
CO2 Achieve an understanding of aliphatic reactions, mechanism of organic compounds and to establish a foundation for studies into natural and synthetic products of pharmaceutical interest and also to acquire the knowledge of reactivity/stability and orientation of organic compounds
CO3 Achieve an understanding of aromatic reactions, mechanism of organic compounds and to establish a foundation for studies into natural and synthetic products of pharmaceutical interest and also to acquire the knowledge of reactivity/stability and orientation of organic compounds.
CO4 Describe detailed mechanisms for common named reactions.
CO5 Know the structure and application of some organic compounds.
Course Code : 1.5T Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry
CO1 Explain the definition and description of errors, commonly developed during drug analysis and methods to minimize them
CO2 Explain the basic concepts of principle and methods involved in volumetric analysis and gravimetric analysis to estimate the drugs
CO3 Able to explain the definition, source of impurities, principle and methods of limit test to control common impurities in pharmaceuticals
CO4 Understand to get knowledge about extra and intra cellular electrolytes, medicinal gases and radio pharmaceuticals
CO5 Complete knowledge on preparation, principle, medicinal importance and methodology of different asays of inorganic compounds
Course Code : 2.1T Pathophysiology
CO1 Students will define the basic pathogenesis of human disease
CO2 Students will define and explore the most common etiologies and predisposing factors associated with human disease
CO3 Students understands the basics for some laboratory tests and other diagnostic procedures
CO4 Students will make correlations between pathophysiology and clinical skills they are learning in their allied health science programs
CO5 Students will understand how the various organ systems are interrelated, and use this understanding to promote a holistic approach towards the evaluation and treatment of patients
Course Code: 2.2T Pharmaceutical Microbiology
CO1 understand the world of microbiology, identify the microorganism based on themorphology & structure and growth and nutritional requirements of the organism
CO2 To learn the cultivation and identification of the microorganisms in the laboratory.
CO3 To know the sterilization types , disinfectants ,antibiotics, vitamins it's evaluation and sterilitiy testing of pharmaceutical products.
CO4 Learn the types of immunity, Antigen-Antibody reactions, bacterial vaccines and Toxoids.
CO5 Understand the infectious diseases, it's history , pathogensis, diagnostic tests,treatment and control.
Course Code : 2.3T Pharmacognosy and Phytochemicals
CO1 History and Scope of Pharmacognosy, Classification of crude drugs, Cultivation, collection, processing and storage of crude drugs,
CO2 Cell wall constituents and cell inclusions, Microscopical and powder microscopical study of crude drugs, Study of natural pesticides
CO3 Carbohydrates and related products, Detailed study of oils
CO4 Study of plant fibers used in surgical dressings and related products.
CO5 Different methods of adulteration of crude drugs
Course Code : 2.4T Pharmacology-I
CO1 Students will know the pharmacology of drugs acting on different systems
CO2 A complete knowledge about stages of drug development both Preclinical and clinical studies will be gained
CO3 The ability to correlate and apply the Pharmacological knowledge to Therapeutics will be acquired
CO4 Gain the knowledge about Pharmacokinetics and Mechanics of drug action at organ system or sub cellular or Macromolecular level
CO5 Increased knowledge about drug mechanisms and their relevance to the treatment of diseases of various systems
Course Code : 2.5T Community pharmacy
CO1 Students will be proficient in delineating the multifaceted roles and responsibilities of community pharmacists in pharmaceutical care and adept at dispensing
CO2 Outline the layout and requirements of community pharmacy. Study of prescription including drug interactions
CO3 Recognise need of inventory control and study of concepts of code of ethics
CO4 Discuss the factors affecting medication adherence and patient councelling.Discuss the drugs for minor ailments.
CO5 Apply health screening services in community pharmacy.Role of pharmacist inhealth education and rationality of drugs.
Course Code : 2.6T Pharmacotherapeutics-I
CO1 Students will be able to describe the pathophysiology and management of cardiovascular,respiratory and endocrine diseases
CO2 Students will be developing Patient case based Assessment Skills
CO3 Students will be able to describe the quality use of medicines issues surrounding the therapeutic agents in the treatment of these diseases
CO4 Students will have developed clinical skills in the therapeutic management of these conditions
CO5 Students will provide patient-centred care to diverse patients using the evidence based medicine
Course Code : 3.1T Pharmacology-II
CO1 Students would have learned about medicines used for cancer,inflammation,respiratory system,GIT, immune system and hormones.
CO2 The students will be capable of Understand the Pharmacological aspects of drugs acting on blood and renal system
CO3 The students will understand the importance of animal toxicology and fundamental aspects of cellular and molecular pharmacology
CO4 The students will Know the pharmacological and therapeutic aspects of antimicrobial agents
CO5 The students will be able to apply the knowledge of genome and its function to therapeutics in practice
Course Code : 3.2T Pharmaceutical Analysis
CO1 To understand the importance of analysis in pharmaceutical industry
CO2 To produce theoretical knowledge on various instrumental techniques adopted for analysis of pharmaceuticals
CO3 To understand the knowledge about assay of pharmaceutical substance and product
CO4 To develop basic practical skills using instrumental techniques
CO5 Ability to understand and select the appropriate electrometric methods and other thermal methods for drug analysis.
Course Code : 3.3T Pharmacotherapeutics-II
CO1 Understand the pathophysiology of selected disease states and the rationale for drug therapy.
CO2 Discuss the therapeutic approach to the management of these diseases and the controversies in drug therapy.
CO3 Preparation of individualized therapeutic plans based on diagnosis.
CO4 Appreciate the needs to identify the patient-specific parameters relevant in initiating drug therapy, and monitoring therapy (including alternatives, time-course of clinical and laboratory indices of therapeutic response and adverse effects).
CO5 Role of pharmacist in essential and rational drug use.
Course Code : 3.4T Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence
CO1 Role of different committees in framing pharmaceutical legislation,code of ethics,Prescription & non prescription drugs.
CO2 They understood the various parameters in the Drug and Cosmetic Act and rules.
CO3 They understood the concepts of Dangerous Drugs Act, Pharmacy Act and Excise duties Act
CO4 They came to know about thesalient features of different lawswhich have been prescribed by thePharmacy Council of India fromtime to time including International Laws
CO5 The student will be able to understnad the importance of Professional ethics
Course Code : 3.5T Medicinal Chemistry
CO1 To understand the chemistry of drugs [mechanism of action] with respect to their pharmacological activity.
CO2 To understand the drug metabolic pathways ,adverse effect and therapeutic value of drugs.
CO3 To know the structural activity relationship (SAR) of different classesof drugs.
CO4 Apply the principles of synthetic chemistry to predict the synthesis of drugs.
CO5 Write the chemical classification and structure of drugs .Understand the various concepts of drug design.
Course Code : 3.6T Pharmaceutical Formulations
CO1 Understand the principle involved in formulation of various pharmaceutical dosage forms
CO2 Prepare various pharmaceutical formulation
CO3 Perform evaluation of pharmaceutical dosage forms
CO4 Understand and appreciate the concept of bioavailability and bioequivalence, their role in clinical situations.
CO5 Appreciate the concept of bioavailability and bioequivalence, their role in clinical situations
Course Code : 4.1T Pharmacotherapeutics-III
CO1 Know the effective use of nonpharmacological therapeutic interventions in the treatment of specific diseases,conditions and symptoms.
CO2 Ability to answer the drug queries based on best available evidence, clinical expertise on the preparation and process of EBM and decision making on patient management
CO3 Initiate drug therapy and theanticipated therapeutic goals by therapeutic intervention
CO4 Gaining knowledge regarding the etiology, pathogenesis, signs and symptoms,diagnosis and management of various pathological disease conditions
CO5 Understanding the treatment preference to special population such as pediatrics, geriatrics, immunocompromised patients
Course Code : 4.2T Hospital Pharmacy
CO1 Knowledge on hospital pharmacy, drug committees & policies of hospital
CO2 To know the various inventory control techniques& drug distribution methods
CO3 To know the manufacturing practices of pharmaceutical formulations in hospital set up and handling Radiopharmaceuticals
CO4 To know the professional practice management skills of hospital pharmacists
CO5 Understand role of pharmacist in education & training programs
Course Code : 4.3T Clinical Pharmacy
CO1 Monitor drug therapy of patient through medication chart review and clinical review, ward round participation, pharmaceutical care.
CO2 Obtain medication history interview and counsel the patients.
CO3 Identify and resolve drug-related problems like assessing and monitoring adverse drug reactions and drug interactions etc.
CO4 Interpret selected laboratory results (as monitoring parameters in therapeutics) of specific disease states
CO5 Retrieve, analyse, interpret and formulate drug or medicine information
Course Code : 4.4T Biostatistics & Research Methodology
CO1 Recognise the importance of biostatistics in pharmacy.
CO2 Explain the importance of research methods and pharmacoepidemiological Study
CO3 Discuss the methods of collection data and its statistical calculation and interpretation.
CO4 Discuss and evaluate various software and computer applications for statistical analysis of data
CO5 Explain the various methods of testing hypotheses.
Course Code : 4.5T Biopharmaceutics & Pharmacokinetics
CO1 To understand the concepts related to biopharmaceutics,Adsorption,distribution,metabolism and elimination
CO2 To select the pharmacokinetic model based on plasma level or urinary excretion data
CO3 Complete understanding on the models related to multicompartment models and design on dosage regimens
CO4 Detect potential clinical pharmacokinetic problems & solve them based on kinetics of drug following non -linearity & non-compartmental pharmacokinetics
CO5 Design bioavailability & bioequivalance studies of new drugs or dosage forms
Course Code : 4.6T Clinical toxicology
CO1 Ability to understand the basic Toxicological knowledge in the general principles involved in the management of poisoning, prevention and treatment of various poisoning
CO2 Ability to Detect and differentiate acute and chronic poisoning by it's clinical symptom
CO3 Ability to Recognize and manage acute poisoning symptoms associated with various agents.
CO4 Recognize the clinical symptoms and management of envenomation, food poisoning and poisoning by various plants
CO5 Detect signs and symptoms of drug abuse and suggest suitable remedial measures
Course Code : 5.1T Clinical Research
CO1 Know the new drug development process.
CO2 Understand the regulatory and ethical requirements
CO3 Appreciate and conduct the clinical trials activities
CO4 Know safety monitoring and reporting in clinical trials
CO5 Manage the trial coordination process
Course Code : 5.2T Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics
CO1 Discuss the scope, need, origin and recommend suitable measurement of outcomes in pharmacoepidemiology.
CO2 Explain and address the risks associated with pharmacoepidemiological study.
CO3 Describe and suggest an appropriate pharmacoepidemiological method for a given drug.
CO4 Explain the sources of data and special applications of pharmacoepidemiology.
CO5 Discuss the basic principles, role and relevance of Pharmacoeconomics in the development of a new drug.
Course Code : 5.3T Clinical Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacotherapeutics Drug Monitoring
CO1 Describe and apply the Pharmacokinetic Principles in dosing of drugs to specific population
CO2 Analyze the dosage regimen of drugs and predict drug interaction issues in the clinical setting
CO3 Recognise the clinical areas where implementation of TDM will have a positive effect on patient care
CO4 Gain knowledge on estimating the population pharmacokinetics parameters by various method
CO5 Discuss the concept of genetic polymorphism inmetabolism,transport and target of drug

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